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With the ball in their court ...
... José Caetano da Silva, Managing Partner at Talent Search, an executive search company, suggests comparing the value of professionals with the same levels of responsibility and then talking...
Two Jobs
What future is there for headhunters?
“In the future, executive search activities will involve those in the market as serious players”, says José Caetano da Silva, Managing Partner at Talent Search.

With the contract in their hands
... For José Caetano da Silva, Managing Partner at Talent Search, a company specialising in executive search, first of all, it is necessary to compare the value of the function of professionals with the same level of responsibility and only then start negotiating.
How to face headhunters
... It is true that they may find you the job of your life. However it is also true that, without you, their hands and feet are bound. For this reason, they are expected to have a correct attitude.
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I am myself and my referencesJosé Caetano da Silva
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